Upcoming Events
Christmas Eve Service
Join us at 7:00 p.m. on December 24! We look forward to welcoming and worshiping with friends and family as we celebrate our Savior’s birth. Following the service, we invite everyone to the Fellowship Hall for a cookie social.
Share Your Faith Workshop
A truly "Hands On" approach to easily share your faith.
Evangelism Explosion International has developed a gospel presentation that’s easy to learn and hard to forget. The five fingers of your hand become a simple memory tool you use to share a gospel presentation that has proven effective in every nation in the world.
Reserve your seat Today!
Grounds Clean Up Day
This is a great opportunity to serve as we prepare our facilities for the start of a new school year. Please come out and help in any way you can. Below is a list of some things we would like to accomplish. If you are unable to come on the 17th but would like to do something prior to then, please let Rick or Todd know. If you have any tools that would be useful for these tasks, please bring them along. Thank you so much!!
1. Weeding and sprucing up the courtyard area
2. Pressure washing the trailer. We think there is a dad that is going to do one of the trailers next week once camp is finished.
3. Pressure wash the playground equipment
4. Mulch the playground
5. Weeding shrubs out front and around buildings
6. Paint lines on the outside basketball court (We already have paint for this)
7. Paint the curbs and lines of the pedestrian walkway between church building and school building while adding a number of lines to allow for parallel parking in that area as well.
8. Weeding around the perimeter of the church.
9. Install a handrail at the church.
10. Mount a defibrillator at the church.
Vacation Bible School
Join us for the week of Bible School this year!
When: Monday, June 24 — Friday, June 28
Time: 6:00 — 8:00 p.m. each evening
Who: All kids who are entering Kindergarten through 5th grade this fall are invited!
Where: Bethany PCA in Oxford, PA
FROG Christmas Carol Family Service
Calling all FROG Friends! Join us with your families in the sanctuary as we sing carols and songs to celebrate the season! Afterward, enjoy Christmas Cookies and Hot Cocoa with us!!
Weekly Events
Celebrate Recovery
6:30 p.m. Dinner
7:00 p.m. Group Meetings
Celebrate Recovery offers a safe place for those who are willing to talk about their struggles in order to find healing and celebrate recovery from life’s hurts, habits and hangups.
Women’s Bible Study
We will resume meeting on Wednesday, January 8
We will be going through Nancy Guthrie’s book The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis
9:30 a.m. at Bethany PCA
Men’s Breakfast
Every Thursday morning, a group of men from Bethany meet at the Post House Restaurant across the street from the church at 8:30 a.m. for a time of fellowship.
8:30 a.m. at the Post House Restaurant
Women’s Bible Study
We will resume meeting on Thursday, January 9
We will be going through Nancy Guthrie’s book The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis
6:30 p.m. at Bethany PCA
Men’s Bible Study
We will resume meeting on Thursday, January 16 in the Fellowship Hall.
We will be doing a study on the book of 1 Peter
6:30 p.m. at Bethany PCA